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Employees of external companies

Employees of partner companies/external companies

Apply for/renew/change ID card
Info for registration of weekend, public holiday and night work
Special service: Instant submission without an appointment
ID card collection/issue
Book an appointment at the ID card office
Download form

To apply for/renew/change an ID card

Download the appropriate form, fill it out completely and sign it or have it signed. It is also important that you obtain the signature of the person responsible for the order from a company based at the CHEMPARK.

Do you want to register as a company for the first time or would you like to register your subcontractor?

If your company or subcontractor is not yet registered with us or if your company is working at one of the CHEMPARK sites for the first time, you must complete and sign the company registration form and the data protection agreement (see Downloads).

Print out the completed and signed form, scan it and send it by e-mail to the ID card office at least 3 working days before the collection date.

For initial applications:

Send a digital passport photo (no holiday photos).

When your application is complete, we will already prepare the ID card so that you can pick it up at the agreed time, usually without waiting.

Please note: In order to minimise waiting times for everyone, we do not offer spontaneous pick-ups.However, it is possible to create an immediate pick-up within the framework of our fee-based special service after contacting our service hotline.

Process animation for badge application at the CHEMPARK

What else you need to know

When is a permit necessary?

If you are to take company property belonging to a company based at the CHEMPARK out of the CHEMPARK, an authorised employee of the company at the CHEMPARK must issue a pass for presentation at the gate.

When is a tool registration certificate necessary?

Tools, IT equipment or materials with a value of more than EUR 500 may only be exported from the CHEMPARK if the ownership situation has been clarified beyond doubt. Outside companies bringing their own equipment must therefore register it before entering the CHEMPARK. You will then receive security seals at the gate to clearly identify your equipment. The tool registration certificate is only valid for single use. If you regularly need to take your own equipment with you, apply for a special permit.

Special permissions

If you regularly need to carry tools, IT equipment or materials, you should apply for a special permit. Your equipment is recorded once and does not need to be re-sealed each time.

Zusätzliche Anforderungen, wenn Arbeiten von Fremdfirmen an Wochenenden, Feiertagen oder nachts durchgeführt werden sollen

Arbeiten außerhalb des werktäglichen Zeitfensters von 06:00 bis 20:00 Uhr müssen grundsätzlich beim Werkschutz angemeldet werden.

Das gilt auch, falls die Mitarbeiter*innen der durchführenden Fremdfirma über einen eigenen CHEMPARK-Ausweis verfügen. Die Ausweise sind nur im werktäglichen Zeitfenster freigeschaltet.

Die vollständig ausgefüllte Anmeldung muss vom auftragsdurchführenden Unternehmen und vom Auftragsverantwortlichen im CHEMPARK unterschrieben sein.

Die Anmeldung muss dem Werkschutz fristgerecht per E-Mail gesendet werden:

  • Wochenendarbeiten bis spätestens Freitag 16:00 Uhr
  • Feiertagsarbeiten bis 16:00 Uhr des Vortags
  • Nachtarbeiten bis 17:00 am Vortag des Arbeitsbeginns

Special service

Instant submission without an appointment

There must be at least 3 working days between applying for and collecting a CHEMPARK badge. If you don't have time to wait, you can use our paid special service for instant creation.

Simply call our service hotline (weekdays, 06:30 to 15:00).

Within our service hours (weekdays, 06:30 to 15:00) we guarantee production on the same working day. Please note, however, that there may be waiting times at the ID office.

What you need to bring with you to the collection/issue of the ID card

Sie brauchen zwingend ein amtliches Ausweisdokument und ggf. einen Aufenthaltstitel plus Arbeitsgenehmigung.

We may accept the following as official identification documents

Animated safety briefing for employees of partner and external companies at the CHEMPARK

Book appointments at the ID office online here

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